
What Is John Snobelen Political Party Called

what is john snobelen political party called


What started real small many years ago was an effort on my part to bring John Honderich of the Star up to speed on nuclear power. Being a fix-almost-anything-mechanic I know what works and what doesn't. Back then I advised the yellow striped Mike Harris to fix our electrical system or face defeat. I was a PC insider. Mike did neither. All through history great men and women were those who put themselves out there, who took on challenges when the road ahead was obscure and a good outcome was not asured. Knowing he had become very unpopular and was going to lose Harris bolted. Just like the Captain of the Italian cruise ship Mike abandon his ship. The PC Party of my day had become afflicted by the rise of the right wing closed minds by 1985. The newcomers like Frank Miller, a village idiot if there ever was one was convinced he was always right without having to develop the smarts to determine what was actually right or wrong for the voters. Miller ignored the grass roots. Thus our party descended into the state of wishful thinking, much like the Republicans in the US. Ronald Reagan the man who destroyed California and moved on to do the same to America. He is the nation's Father who presided over the demise of his country. A movement that Herr Harper pays allegience to. Frank Miller had the same lack of smarts that aflicted Joe Clark, wishful thinking, he got tossed. Harris never learned a thing from the Miller debacle. Made leader in February, Frank was gone by June.  Ernie Eves lost and disappeared in a blink. Then John " the loser " Tory Lost. Tim Hudak, likewise blew it. The right seems to be incabable of learning the rules of a democracy. The hard right, now in control of the Ont. PCs has kept us out of power for a dozen years. Quite some accomplishment. Christina Blizzard and John Snobelen have been around for a long time but apparently now live in a world of fiction. But I have been around longer. A democracy mean the will of the people. A government of the people for the people has to follow the people. Queen Elizabeth, 1 said after a particularly difficult period, " I must stay close to my people ". And she was a Queen and did not have to get elected. Locked into the thinking of the hard right [ if these people ever think? ], is, if at first we don't succeed in knocking a hole through the brick wall with our heads, then we'll just keep on trying. The right always blames others or circumstances for all their failure. No, the ubermen are always right, the ideology never fails. Since I am a long time PC, I have wrestled with odd rightie in my day and they are an odd lot, selfish and intolerant. I have always sought the truth as a means of guiding myself through life. As I flip over to 77 I have had a pretty fair go of things and my kids are chips off the old block. All very successful in their own right. Here are the facts. Most Canadians are in the middle politically and this is the same for Alberta, no matter what you hear from Herr Harper, the oilie press,Pastor Manning, the Fraser Inst., the National Citizen's Coalition and the Fascists. If you want to get into power there are 3 things you must do other than promoting revolution. Provide  efficient government for all. Not just the friends of the government, the US oil cartel, the rich and big business as Herr harper does. Have enough government to provide  people with security and the protection of their rights. Having this limited level of guidance allows people to go about their business uninhibited. In addition, a comprehensive support system  for people who have been left behind. A rich society like our's can afford to be generous to our citizens who are in need. If the Star Can pay Rob Pritchard $ 9 million to screw up the Paper we can afford welfare. [ Example - Alberta in 1947 when Leduc blew in. The Province had NO MONEY TO GO INTO THE OIL BUSINESS. Ontario gave Alberta the money, no strings attached ] [ When Medicare came in, Saskatchewan could not afford to implement it. Ottawa topped up their bank account to allow entry ] [ that's Canada ]. The right doesn't want Canadians to work together. United we move forward and prosper. Divided, the right has us by the short ones and can do as they wish. In the final days of the Neanderthal civilivation there were sign of cannibalism. This is what happens in a society where there isn't enough to go around, people fight over scraps. Harper is setting one Canadian against another, this will keep them occupied and the right can do what it pleases. It is called  Reagan Californianization.  And last but not least a good government looks for sources of revenue other than taxes to strengthen the balance sheet. In 1960, [ BEFORE NUCLEAR ] Ontario Hydro, under Leslie Frost contributed $ 281 million to the Provincial Treasury. O H sold surplus power and provided hydro expertise to other countries and jurisdictions. Ontario's experiences in providing KW services to its' citizens gave it exportable skills and products. So governments must operate like a business. We can't pay secretaries like Laura Formusa, CEO of Hydro One more than $ 900,000 a year plus bonuses for being a public relations pretty face for McGuinty. She's a high paid front for the Liberal Party machine. Cheap KWs in Ontario were and are crucial. We could easily hire someone with the needed mechanical skills for $ 300,000 a year plus bonuses to produce good financial numbers and cheap KWs. This Province now pays McGuinty's friends big bonuses for screwing up royally because every move is calculated to make big money and create an opportunity to score political  points. You can't serve two masters. What incentive is there to do a good if you are involved with the Liberal machine???  Government should provide necessary but reasonable programs and services like full medicare, first rate hospitals, the best educational system going and a social safety net to ensure nobody is left out. I am not one who wants to see people dying in the streets. Canada is a rich Country, overall most likely the richest in the world but now being terribly managed especially by Harper. Our wealth is being siphoned off to the insiders.  Canada can afford the governmental system I outline above. If we can give the US oil cartel $ 850 million to diddle aound with carbon capture [ now a fantasy ] we can afford a generous government. To me it is a toss up between Herr Harper and Dalton McGuinty as to who is fouling up the nest most. Harper is far the more dangerous person because he has the ability to wreck Canada by changing the governing system. California is a good example of what Reagan, the Republicans and the US oil cartel can do when they got together. 34 million people in that State are now ruled from the right and have no voice. Harper and his oilie employers are turning us into a financial and jurisdictional  basket case along the same lines. McGuinty is just a disaster monetarily. Having the nukies give him a house early on really cooked Ontario's goose. Although I have been writing Dalt for more than eight years I can't get it through his thick head how much damage the nukies have done to Ontario. A situation the media HAS NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED. The Preem would have been awakened from his slumber and forced to act if at least  John Honderich of the Star had had anything other than a thick head, too.  Our chestnuts could have been pulled out of the fire way back. Years ago I determined Honderich was a light weight loser. John had written something daffy which showed he was an eighth of an inch deep and a thousand miles long. I wrote one of my many letters to him about nuclear and said, " if your name was Smith you would still be in the Star mailing room ". That reminds me of  Herr Harper who got his first job from his dad working in the mailing room at Imperial Oil. If the US oil cartel had not hired Harper as their front man he might still be sorting mail???  What was so troubling back then was the fact that the Star was telling nukie lies for money. I mean technical lies right out of the nukie handbook. Old Ontario Hydro in 2000 had 3 major means of generating KWs, 1/3rd hydro, 1/3rd coal and 1/3rd nuclear. This info came right out of their annual report that year [ I have a copy ]. From that same report came the figure for emissions, 140,000 tons of CO2. Nuclear plants  have emissions just a bit lower than natural gas generating plants according to the US / EPA.  Old O H had done an Inventory on Potential Hydro Electric Sites in the Province, dated in the 1980s [ number of sites identified, Lat. / Long., total 2200 ]. A civil servant in Ont.
Lands and Forests smuggled me out part of that inventory, I have the location of 600 sites, taken from this buried document hidden away from your eyes by the nukies. McGuinty,  Honderich and the Star keep saying that nuclear provides 50% on Ontario's electricity. A lie. That nuclear plants don't emit CO2. A lie. And this Province has no more hydro electric sites left. Another lie. There have been an endless series of lies about the nukes printed in the Star but the Paper will not bend in its' efforts to cover up for McGuinty and the nukies. I must say I am baffled. Is Honderich that arrogant to think that he can say whatever he / nukies desire, make like George Bush Jr. and create for the Star its' own reality? I think Honderich is similar to Herr Harper in that they feel that the public is just too lazy or apathetic to get upset about lying. I have written so many letters to the Star in this regard and never been responded to nor has anything of mine been printed. 4 years ago the paid circulation of the Star was 3.2 million. To-day it hovers around the 2 million mark. You can now get a week's Stars for $1.59. Honderich is giving the bloody papers away to keep the number up and advertsing rates up . This is a scam and it makes my point. Piss on your customers by printing the nukie advertiser's copy and readers will bail.  Maybe I have been all wrong about this. I've got an idea. I'll  just steal from an American newspaper corporation in Chicago, get sent to the pen in Coleman Florida as a common thief and then I'd get a least a half a page a week to cover all my interests in the Post? Black can do it, why not me?  The present drill seems to be if you pay enough money to the media, especially the papers you can say whatever you dam well  please. Is this what we have come to?  A steady diet of lies flows everyday. How will our young people survive if they are trapped in a fairy tale world, concocted by our politicians, business leaders backed by the media? Finding out too late that everything around them is false? In England there is a judical inquiry going on right now into the conduct of their newspapers. Even on the stand and sworn these journoshills continue to lie. It is quite beyond belief. The UK Government has thrown out their toothless, volunteer press council and will  form a new body to monitor the press, this one will have teeth. In North America it is too late for the press. Their disregard for the interests of the readers has killed the goose that laid the golden egg. The circulation numbers tell the whole story. In 4 years the [ ] Toronto Star is down [] from 3.2 million to 2 million [ ] Toronto Sun is down [] from 1.36 million to 1 million [ ]  and the National Post is down [] from 1.236 million to 949,500.The net is going to swallow the papers which have lost 95% of their stock value over the same period. If you own newspaper stock sell / now. In the last 4 years the 25 top newspapers in Canada have lost 6.6 million paid circultation. For a long time I could not see how the transition to the net would take place but now I have a good idea as to how we could proceed. I have found the recipe for what might be the secret sauce. I will cover my proposed transition from ad media of old to the net,  in the next few days. In the mean time I want to lessen the damage the press is doing to our society right now. There is an old saying we might invoke here. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Do not believe anything you see in the newspapers unless you check for the truth first. Info that doesn't affect you forget about. If the Sun says black is white who cares, you already know the difference. However, when Ezra LeRant who operates Ethical Oil.org for Herr Harper using taxpayer's money says OIL is going to go over the Rockies to Kitimat via the Northern Gateway to go to China check the real story on the net. Here is a hint. There will be two pipes lines. One will go west and carry DilBit [ diluted raw bitument mixed with the highly explosive lighter fluid, other chemicals and quartz, rutile and pyrite laced sand ]. The pipe coming east will carry pure lighter fluid to the tar sands to make the raw tar thin enough to be able to pump it back west. It will be an expensive / dangerous system but it suits the oil cartel. The oilies have had to shut down refineries and need cheap raw resources to process no matter how much the public is robbed or endangered. Two considerations, Albertans will be left responsible for all of the filth [ CO2 / tailing ponds / poluted rivers ] from mining the bitumen and yet only be paid for the raw resource. Just like selling raw logs to another country and having all the value added work done  abroad in the production of finished lumber and furniture. How can the people of Alberta consider Harper a friend? He is looking to screw them every which way. The second problem, is that sending sand laced tar down a steel pipe is just looking for trouble. I have done a lot of sandblasting metal. Concentrate the nozzle on a spot on the steel and the sand will hole it in a couple of minutes. Oil pipelines were never made to handle sand. What makes it even worse is that the pipeline companies are buying cheap steel from overseas. I have experienced cheap steel bolts from China. They are as strong as cheese. If the Keystone / Gateway DilBit pipe splits because of overheating or is holed by the sands the lighter fluid will spray in all directions. The pyrite in the sand will create sparks like it did for muskets in the old days. In the past there were OIL SPILLS in which something like cooking oil would escape from a pipe. It makes a huge mess and requires an extensive cleanup. DilBit is however a horse of a different colour. The tar slurry will burn profusely. But the lighter fluid, also used in Coleman camp stove guarantees the pipeline will be like a bomb that is well beyond the control of the US oil cartel, TransNotCanada and Enbridge. The cartel, Harper, Girling and Daniel are playing with your marbles.  Since your marbles are being played about with do some checking to protect yourself. Wouldn't it be nice if we could rely on the ad media to give us the complete picture on all of the important issues. I have no problem with the US oil cartel looking after business and their stockholders. They must of course obey the laws of the land. I would expect any company to portray themselves in the best light possible but the media owes it to the readers / viewers to demand a high standard of honesty from anyone wanting to rent our trusting eyeballs. The media must say to Pat Daniel, tell big fat lies and you don't get your copy into our paper or on our TV station nor matter how much money you offer us. This the least the media owes those readers who  support with their dollars. If contentious issues are up for discussion those in the media again must pay strict attention to the truth of what is printed or broadcast. The result of such a system is to prevent the dissemination of lies and a wider understanding on the part of the citizenry of the matters at hand. Some years back Herr Harper floated the idea he was elected as Prime Minister. This was another of his lies but the media said nothing. A poll later showed 55% of Canadians believed him. If a simple misstatement like this can influence so many in this Country what is the limit of the damage such propaganda can cause. The damage to our democracy could be fatal if the media just take their cheques from the powerful and go along for the ride. 200 years ago the papers were elevated to a special position in that they were afforded an advantage, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The right to say things which might upset the movers and takers. In other words afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. Ensconsed in this rarified position without fear of authority the media owners over the last 25 years were in no way restricted in their activities. They could continue to fool the public as to their good intentions but cater to the well heeled comfortable class at the very same time. This is called playing both sides of the street. The media owners quietly changed the game to, freedom of the press to sell out to the highest bidder. This new wrinkle suits the politicians and big business perfectly. While seeming to respect the interest of the people the papers manipulate the game for the benefit of the manipulators, themselves and their clients. Thus unchallenged and with the support of the electeds and large businesses the self dealing has reached epidemic proportions. This distortion in the information available to the populous has made the gulf between rich and poor even wider. The media is paid to make sure the insiders have all the advantages and the rest of us get sweet bugger all.
 A lot of folk have caught on to the media's game and refuse to play ball by watching or reading. The circulation of newspapers [ as stated ] and magazines is dropping and the sale of new TV sets is falling for the first time since the introduction of the medium. But having the media as we have known it just die, dry up and blow away means propaganda and lies are replaced with no digestible news at all. The net is loaded with truthful information but it is in the connecting of the dots that brings such information into focus.  An example is the shocking realization that the once wealthy Alberta has lost its' market for nat. gas and oil. I have a whole file of reports on a variety of stories. Taken in isolation they have very little meaning but when viewed together a very unpleasant  future is revealed for Albertans. You will find nothing about this change of course in the ad media. It is a replay of the subprime situation in the US in 2005, the insiders knew, the media knew but didn't tell Americans. The financial meltdown 2008 / 2009 cost the little people dearly yet nobody has accepted responsibility and no one has gone to jail. To make matters far worse those who caused the meltdown came back, cap in hand looking for a bailout using taxpayer's money. Like this takes big, nerve. When is enough enough? Since the crash the media has been paid gross money to fog the whole issue. Paid to spread blame and cause confusion. Lorrie Goldstein of the Sun is particularly good at blame spreading. Washington, under the circumstances had an obligation to take the bull by the horns and cut through all the crap. Like, kind of providing leadership. But the politicans were either in the pay of the banks and Wall St. or looking over their shoulders at getting re-elected. Either way the little people were abandon and to date still are. Goldstein loves sticking it to the little people.  As you know I have about 30 inches of newspaper clippings in file folders which go back more than 12 years. I am able to revist comments and events and tie same to the present. I don't think anyone else has such an archive. Papers used to keep archives but I see no evidence that they still do. I can't imagine the Star encouraging Johnny Spears to look back to check comments, dates and facts on nuclear. Otherwise he would never be able to write the see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing articles that are so nukie friendly. I have gathered a few recent articles from various people and will highlight their comments then include the truth. Electricity and energy relates to machines. I don't know of any of the journoshills writing / broadcasting to-day who have any mechanical ability whatsoever. This a clue as to what the media is up to. A doctor is someone who writes about health care and medicine. An airline pilot writes about air travel. In contrast the papers particularly, have scribes who have never owned a screwdriver writing about energyand climate change, the  most important issues of our time. So here goes.

JACK GERARD / PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE / FUNDED BY THE US OIL CARTEL   —   Says Pres. Obama faces serious political consequences if he rejects the Alberta – Texas Keystone proposal. Our Jack says the Keystone is simple and straightforward, it is about jobs and national security. That the pipeline will transport 700,000 barrels of oil per day to US Gulf Coast refineries. Jack is mounting another huge advertising campaign to cause Americans to query the stands of candidates in the upcoming election. [] [] [] The Keystone will actually only create between 2000 and 4000 temorary jobs. The DilBit, raw tar mixed with lighter fluid will go from the Canadian tar sands to Port Arthur Texas where the shuttered Valero / Saudi Aramco refineries are located. Port Arthur is a duty free port where  crude oil / finished oil products can be shipped in and out without paying American taxes. More money for the rich, none for the little people. These refineries used to process Venezuelan heavy crude oil but this supply has been cut off because Hugo Chavez nationalized the US oil companies due to abuses. The oil cartel is faced with closing more and more refineries because of a shortage of raw oil. Alberta raw bitumen is a replacement for Venezuelan heavy crude oil. Once in Port Arthur and the DilBit refined America will never see a single gallon of gasoline / diesel from Alberta tar, it is all scheduled to go to China. So the Keystone is all about the greed of the US oil cartel and their determination to support China's economy all the time lying to the American people. And the media goes along for another paid ride.

HERR HARPER / CONCERNED ABOUT FOREIGNERS INTERFERING IN THE NORTHERN GATEWAY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS  —  Our Stevie is upset about environmental groups voicing their opposition to this insane plans to pump Dil Bit west through the Rockies and in the second pipe send lighter fluid back east to the tar sands. Harper say he will not tolerate foreigners interfering with the rights of Canadians to decide such issues. [] [] []  It should be mentioned that this pipe line will be built with money from Wall St. and the oil cartel is planning to steal Alberta bitumen, pipe it to the BC coast and have it refined offshore.  Although these hearings are going on the cartel and Harper's Fascist / Conservative Government have bought the media in order to misinform Canadians as to what the hidden agenda is. Harper, wants to ensure that the foreigners who favour the Gateway pipe line  are heard and their money respected. On the other hand the foreigners who oppose the pipe line are to silenced. Herr Haper doesn't get it. The old media has lost its' clout. The net killed the Keystone and it will kill the Gateway.

CLAUDIA CATTANEO / NATIONAL POST BUSINESS WRITER   —  Claudia seems to know a lot about  the positives of the tar sands but never mentions the negatives. Could it be that she is copying from the oil cartel handbook. I purposely read Claudia's columns to find out is she ever tells the truth about the oil business. Never, ever, she's one smooth cat. She must never talk to an outsider or go on the net. How she stays free from being contaminated by the real world news beats me. [] [] []   —  One thing she has been able to do very successfully is to avoid substituting the word DilBit for OIL  in her pieces about the Keystone. And now in regards to the Northern Gateway. I would like to know if journoshills are docked pay by the oil cartel if they mention DilBit. It is amazing that the only place you read about diluted bitument is on the net. It is so important for oil to keep Canadians in the dark. The US oil cartel's main concern is weakening the fabric of  our society. Citizens who are anxious, concerned, impoverished, ill informed and fighting over scraps are too busy trying to make ends meet to cause a tyrant any inconvenience. Everyone should be happy at the prospect of  President Newt Gingrich working closely with our Steve Harper. Newt says Canada has a Conservative, pro-American PM who is a friend of the Republicans and want to get on with the tar sands business regardless of the cost to the nevironment and the native groups. The Republicans agree with this approach.  I wonder in what other ways ways Gingrich will help Harper remodel Canada in america's image???                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ANDREW COYNE / HE HAS RETURNED TO THE POST / BACK WITH HIS FAMILY FROM THE ALBERTA / WESTERN REPORTS / WESTERN STANDARD   — In recent years Andrew has covered the political beat in Ottawa. I am not much for his right wing views. He is too right for me but he's not among the rabid right. I wish Coyne would stick to supporting Herr Harper and leave the oil business alone about which he knows very little.  A little hint about Andrew's ignorance was included in his  Jan. 7 / 12  piece in the Post. " Much ado about strategy ". The group of oil shill writers so busy over the last 30 years including Herr Harper have misrepresented Trudeau's National Energy Policy. It is another case of group think, they say the same wrong things over and over. What ever happened to honest open debate?  Coyne said in his piece, " 30 years ago Alberta felt besieged by an energy-hungry east ". [] [] []  Balberdash. Someone that writes this kind of nonsense is either stupid or is a liar.  Ontario paid to put Alberta into the oil business in the 1940s / 50s / 60s. The Feds forced me and millions of other Ontarians to buy only Alberta oil and pay a premium. Quebec was permitted to still buy cheap / offshore oil from the middle east. In 1973 the US oil cartel tried to muscle the Arabs into lowering their prices by picking them off one at a time.  just like Alberta.  Another nervy grab for bigger profits. The Arabs formed OPEC to gain strength in numbers. The Wheat Board had a sort of OPEC like association going. But now Herr Harper wants the farmers to have to deal on an individual basis with the multinationals. Every thing old is new again. OPEC cut oil supplies and threw North America into a panic. Gasoline was in short supply especially around the perimeter of the USA, areas which were supplied by tanker. Alberta oil was being shipped to Cushing Okla. and Ontario. This distribution pipe line system could not be easily coverted to supply a larger area of the US. So there were places in the States were gasoline wet and others were dry. After a few months Saudi Arabia realized that if OPEC destroyed the American economy there would be no place to sell Arab oil and THEY OPENED THE TAP. There was a realization by North Americans that we were vulnerable and that our dependence on oil controlled by foreigners was our achilles heel. Moves were made to cut down on oil use. Ottawa took notice and prepared for another possible oil interruption and the NEP made sense. All for one, one for all. But the US oil cartel, not used to having governments tell them what to do recruited Ted Byfield and Preston Manning, intolerant bigots to fan the flames of so called Western alienation. The bases for this campaign of misinformation was the myth about the NEP which to this day stands. A tribute to a captured and subservient, oil supported press. The NEP myth, still trumpeted to-day by the likes of Ezra LeRant proves what Goebbels said during the War. Repeat a lie often enough and people take it for the truth. And there are a lot lies being repeated these days. The meida now lives off lies. When a population is too lazy to defend the veracity of its' language it is ripe for slavery. California here we come.

MEDICARE / IN THE NEWS / EVERYDAY /DO YOU KNOW WHY ???   —   The American Health Care industry wants in. They can smell the money that will come with Two Tier. Herr Harper, the CMA, Dr. Brian Day, the Fraser Inst., C. D. Howe Inst. and many other Canadians are taking money to sell this Country out. Between the Sun and the Post, they have 58 of the 105 newspapers in Canada. There is a constant drum beat of negative coverage against Canadian Medicare. The lies never stop. The actual  amount spent on Medicare has not exceeded the cost of inflation in 20 years. The Yanks would not have a prayer of getting into our jeans if the truth were told. So the Sun and Post lie almost every day on this important issue. Both the Sun and the Post are struggling financially. Wild right wing nonsense doesn't really sell well to the middle of the road Canada. I mean with Paul Godfrey it is all about money. He and his pals put up a million bucks. Investing in a sinking ship wasn't a smart move. Now Paul wants Harper to allow foreigners to buy our media outlets including his. Mind, almost 60% of our newspapers [ Sun / Post ] carry Republican content so we would see little change. If the Chinese took our media we would all have to learn a new language. The Sun is under the direction of Pierre " the mad " Peladeau. I am a 50 year businessman. The way Pierre runs his setting Sun enterprise can only have one outcome, oblivion.

DON DRUMMOND IS A FRAUD / I WOULDN'T HAVE HIM INVOLVED IN MY HOT DOG STAND AT BAY AND QUEEN IF HE WORKED FOR FREE   —  I have watched Don for many years. He is a highly paid champion of the status quoers. Many years ago I coined the phrase, " he's playing on the same old checker board, a true bean counter ". If the future  can be determined for all time, put into a little book and have this be the guide through life then Don's your man. I have written about him many times but he hangs on, fully supported by those who fear change. The buggie makers of 2012. Canada keeps getting hammered by the claim that there is lack of innovation here. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. With people like Drummond shilling for the status quoers there ain't going to be any innovation. Innovation THEY*** DO ***NOT*** WANT. Ontario is a rich Province but our economy has been destroyed by nuclear power. McGuinty will not relent, the nukies hold sway and pay the media to withhold the truth with ratepayer's money. Real strange? We pay for the very poison that in the end will kill us monitarily. Could it be that in the end Canadians are just too lazy to be vigilant about our freedom. If so they don't deserve this Country.

STEVE PAIKIN / A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A MODERN JOURNALIST / SEE NO EVIL / HEAR NO EVIL / SPEAK NO EVIL ABOUT THE ADVERTISERS   —  I have written to Steve many times. I have tried my darndest to educate him on energy matters. In this I have failed. I used to enjoy Studio 2 as did my son Richard until McGuinty turned TVO into a Liberal Party bulletin board. I was a municipal politican, 50 years in business, a student of history and am an expert on energy. The fact that the Preem castrated TVO is plain to see. Why Ontarians should have their taxes used to promote a particular political party is unacceptable? For Lisa de Wilde, Steve and all the others to be continually begging for money to promote Queen's Park and the energy  interests is galling. On many occasions Paikin has invited people to make suggestions as to programming and I responded with ideas. When Steve reads this he'll have to admit the truth. In old days people like me had no voice and the media was tightly controlled, I could be ignored then. Now with the net the game has changed but Lisa and Steve don't get it. They are still operating in 1999 mode. The Green Age is upon us in Europe and other countries but not in North America, thanks to TV like TVO. Oh I know there are documentaries on energy and the Climate Crisis but they are supplied free of charge by the nukies and the US oil cartel [ propaganda ]. They are created to support the staus quo, not to inform. In the last few days there have been two programs, firstly on the Keystone and then the Gateway / Keystone. David Collyer of CAPP appeared on the first program, sat there and told nothing but lies. From our Steve not a peep. If  media types are going to do interviews then even if they know absolutely nothing their staff should do some research. Even though I am now blogging quite often I copy posts on paper and mail same out. Paikin / TVO is on the mailing list of about 25 which includes the Star, Globe, Post, Sun and Maclean's. He or his people know about all my comments about the tar sands and the pipelines which are being proposed for one reason and one reason only. To steal Alberta's bitumen. Maybe Paikin is like Neville Chamberlain who never read any of the important documents given him on the run up to the War. His assistant was forbidden to tell him anything negative. Neville wrote to his sister often. In one letter he said he never read any of of the incoming material because it might undermine his faith in Herr Hitler. If  Chamberlain had not been pushed out England would have fallen before the Nazis. Steve in his daily appearances drives yet another nail in Canada's coffin. The energy interests are angling to do a California on us. The right / white / rich 20% and the US oil cartel are looking to take charge of this Country and the media is taking money to cheer them on. I already posted on Davis Collyer's lies. These people lie because they know nobody will call them on it. Certainly not Steve. The other night was a repeat performance. Janet Annesley of CAPP lied just like her boss Collyer. Others spoke the truth and were followed by Janet saying none of it was true. This is strange, very strange. Lies become the truth, the truth is labelled lies and Paikin sat there like a lump on a log. Philippe Reicher of Can. Energy Pipelines sat there and lied through his teeth. Phil never answered Steve's questions but just changed the subject. Paikin sat there like a bump on a log. Then the Agenda shifted to a solitary guest, a young guy named Chris Falkner, and employee of TransCanada Pipe. I couldn't understand why Chris wasn't on with the other four guests but I quickly realized the reason behind the switcheroony. This segment was scripted and all Paikin did was lob Falkner creampuffs. Not one of the problems I have identified particilarly sending lighter fluid through an oil pipeline was addressed. Steve looked mighty uncomfortable and so he should. Selling one's Country out to the US oil Cartel for a pay cheque must be hellish. Russ Girling lies every time he opens his mouth. Not a wimper for the paid media. Patrick Daniel has been chosen CEO of the year by the American National Post. He should have won the title of, " Liar of the Year ". Claudia Cattaneo, one of my favourtie oil journoshills says yet again that the Northern Gateway pipe line will carry Alberta oil to BC. No. No. No. There will be two pipes. One 36 " to carry tar mixed with lighter fluid, sand and various chemicals. The other pipe, 20″ will carry lighter fluid shipped in from Asia back to the tar sands. So it is a loop system meant to extract the raw tar from Alberta and send it off shore for refining where all the money will be made by the US oil cartel. Albertans will left to clean up the filth and get peanuts for their bitumen. BC will face monumental enviromental risks with tar and lighter fluid being transported through the Rockies inside pipes meant to carry oil. I have been a mechanic all my life. Pushing DilBit containing sand through a steel pipe is not going to fly. In terms of the sensors to warn of a rupture they will be eaten up by the sand, just worn away. A break could occur and Daniel would never know about it till there is major damage done to people and the environment. Enbridge has been trying to send DilBit, on the QUIET through various of its' oil pipelines and many ruptures have already taken place. And and in spite of this Pat Daniel has been voted top CEO by Godfrey's National Post. The man seems to me to be more a criminal that anything else. Cattaneo is now saying the keystone will create 600,000. The Post should get an award for publishing lies and fairy tales. Russ Girling told the US Energy Board that the Keystone would provide between 2000 / 4000 temporary jobs in 2007. In 2011 that number had climbed to 20,000, mind it did include a few pole dancers to entertain the boys. Within weeks it was up to 50,000 jobs. These jobs multiply faster than rabbits. Then we hit 100,000, next was 200,000 which quickly turned into 400,000 which was closely followed by 500,000. Now Claudia say 600,000 jobs. If this keeps up the American unemployment rate will fall to zero. The whole Country will be working on the Keystone. Herr Harper, Republicans and the right will say anything that comes into their heads. Bush Jr. blazed the trail. His staffer said of the President, we CREATE OUR OWN REALITY. Rots of ruk folks. The NEB, now holding hearings on the Gateway has been put on notice, say yes to the pipeline or Ottawa will say yes for you. If this pipe line is ever built and when it goes south everyone involved in the okay sould be charged with criminal negligence and jailed for life. As well all of their assets should be confiscated, this includes Enbridge. There are 23 million people in the east forced to buy imported oil. You know the kind that Ezra LeRant doesn't like, my god, unethical. Alberta could refine all of the  bitumen in situ using cheap / clean eastern hydro electricity send the OIL by pipe to Toronto, Montreal and the Maritimes. With a spur to Churchill Man. to tap into the world marekt. The icing on the cake is that the Twin Beaver pipe line right-of-way could be used for a nat. gas pipe line to the east as well as Churchill. The Gateway through the Rockies is meant for one thing, feeding the greed of the US oil cartel. The Twin Beaver would mean Albertans get the dough, it would strengthen Canada' economy, reduce CO2 and ensure all of the jobs stayed at home. I fear that if the Gateway fails to go through Harper and his Fascists will have to give the cartel its' money back.

TOM FLANAGAN PLEASE GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG   —  According to the papers Tom is going to be heading up the Wild Rose Party election team. Flanagan is a mouthy American draft dodger who fled his own Country to avoid doing his duty. I have absolutely no use for those who break trust. If he made it into Canada okay. But I prefer him to stuff a sock in his face hole. I don't need to be told what to do by a yellow striper. Now let's get this straight. Flanagan is    a Prof at the University of Oil in Calgary. Tom will direct the Wild Rose Party which was set up by the oil cartel. The members are paid by the cartel as is Danielle Smith. This is a first for Canada. A political party which is an offshoot of the US cartel. This seems exciting. Why waste any money on elections?  The oilies can just decide who they want in office and boom, bob's your uncle. Herr Harper is also on the oil cartel payroll by the Federal situation was not as far advance to allow the oilies to choose our representatives this time.  But by the next election Harper will have had time to Californianize our Parliamentary  system. Thus we will be just a slam dunk away from being a totalitarian state, Brownshirts and all. We are already edging close. Every one of our institutions which doesn't bow to Harper's will is now under attack. Already Revenue Canada, the RCMP, Statistics Canada, the Can. Wheat Board  and the Nuclear Safety Commisssion are eforcement arms of the PMO. Tim Powers has been set up as Gestopo Chief  tasked with preparing dossiers al all those who oppose the Harper Oil Junta. Anyone who opposes Harper will be the subjected to attack ads produced by Powers using information taken out of context if necessary. Anyone who raises their head above the barricade will be targeted.  Don't fret my sweet. They say police states are much more  efficient.  Happy pipe lining.

LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT / LRT / SO MANY POLITICIANS DON'T WHAT THE TERM MEANS   —   A LRT is a glorified streetcar that is half way to a train, THAT RUNS ON A DEDICATED TRACKWAY. * IT MUST HAVE ITS' OWN TRACK. * IT MUST HAVE ITS' OWN TRACK.* IT MUST HAVE ITS' OWN TRACK. Have you got that Royson James of the Star. If a LRT was put along Eglinton it would not work unless most of the small N / S were cut of. Super gridlock here we come. In terms of rapid transit our thinking is 50 years out of date. Toronto grew north on Yonge St. like an inverted T. Then Scarborough and Woodbridge were added to form a circle. Other cities where the politicians have brains create a wagon wheel system. Hub, spokes and an outer rim [ sometimes a second outer rim ]. Electric Sky Liners should be running circles around Toronto on elevated track then out to the airports both from the north and the south. Putting a line across Eglinton from nowhere to nowhere is plain dumb. Only a very challenged Robert Prichard could dream up such nonsense. Rob screwed up at the U of T, then the Star and now Metrolinx. Prichard spends all his fouling things up and is then well paid for the doing. And as an encore Prichard he is working on another expensive train wreck,  the Airport Link. Now this one will be an expensive doozie on a scale bigger than McGuinty' ORNGE.  We are crazy to put up with the likes of  Prichard??? 

Catch you next time   —   Ken                        www.ge-eman.com                                      LAOCOON
